What's Your SuperPower?

We all remember the story of Super Man. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! He was the hero of heroes, a knight in shining armor, the one who came to save the day.

We often wonder, "What if I could do that? What if I could help save the world." We all have a need to feel like our lives are of value to others as worthwhile contributors on this planet. But What’s Your Super Power?  If you could choose your Super Power, what would it be?  Well truth is you already have one. We all have a special gift that was intricately placed within us before we existed in our mother’s womb. Even before the world was formed, God had each of us in mind. So how do we access this gift? There are a number of ways and once you begin paying attention to the signs, you’ll be on your way to being all that God created you to be.

Begin By Asking God
So many times we try to figure everything out on our own before going to God. Some of us don’t go to God at all. We ask our family and friends. But who knows more about us than our Creator? God says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) Just ask Him, and believe that He will answer. God always answers prayer. The answer may not come in the form you would expect, it may not be blatantly obvious, and it may not come right after the prayer, but God ALWAYS gives an answer.  Here are a few prayers to help you get started:

  • Dear Lord, show me who you created me to be…
  • Dear Lord, reveal the special gift that you’ve placed within me…
  • Dear Lord, begin to reveal to me the purpose that you have for my life…
  • Dear Lord, reveal my gift so that I may be a blessing to others…

Prayers do not have to be long, simply from the heart. God knows your heart even better than you do. He knows the question before you ask it. The point of prayer is to strengthen your relationship with Christ, and to lead you to depending on Him and not yourself for answers.

Listen to God’s Voice
One thing we should realize is that God doesn’t yell, he whispers. He does this so that we may learn to be still and quiet within our souls. “Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God” Ralph Waldo Emerson. This helps us to really focus on God, thus building a closer relationship with Him. According to Experiencing God, by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King, there are 5 ways that God speaks:

  1. The Holy Spirit – If you are a true believer of Christ, then Christ lives in you in the form of the Holy Spirit. The answers you seek are not found externally, but waiting to be discovered inside of you. Trust the Jesus in you!
  2. The Bible“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Listen to God speak by reading the Word daily.
  3. Prayer – Set aside a daily time to talk to God, then consult with him throughout the day. It is in prayer that we talk and walk with God.
  4. Circumstances – All things happen for a reason (the good and the bad). “… all things work together for good to them that love the Lord.” (Romans 8:28)
  5. The Church – Make sure that you have a church home that is grounded deep in the Word of God and that cares about your growth.

The Lord says “Give us this day our DAILY bread” meaning we can’t just pray and read once a week or only on Sundays. God only gives us what we need for today, understanding that tomorrow will require the same efforts. Also, take time to meditate on God’s word so that the Holy Spirit can intercede. You don’t have to keep asking God to reveal your gift as if He didn’t hear you the first time. An important part of any relationship is to listen. Too often, we ask questions, yet fail to listen for the answer. Stop, look, and listen as God speaks through these five ways.  Let God speak to you.

One way to help with this, is to journal those moments in your life that stand out. Whether it is a job transition, a new relationship, a new location, a new hobby, etc. Write those down and then come back to them periodically so that you can assess where you’ve been and where you are now. For example, I loved to draw as a kid as well as type on the computer, but only thought of those as hobbies. Somewhere along the way I put those to the side and pursued other interests. I went to college for pre-dental, then physical therapy, then finally I realized that computer graphics was where I needed to be and it all started way back when I was sketching the Simpsons Cartoon :)  Lastly, look at the people you encounter. And by people, I mean those you trust and have a good relationship with. What are they saying about you? What do they come to you for? What do they think you’re good at? Sometimes it’s easier for others to spot our talents than it is to see it in ourselves. So make note of how those you trust see you, and never take it lightly.

Pay Attention To Your Make-Up
Have you ever wished that you could change something about yourself, but no matter how you try, that part of you stays the same.  Some things are just hardwired.  Pay attention to how God has wired you.  Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you like working in small groups or large groups? Do you like to sing? Do you love to dance? Are you naturally good at math? Do you always make people laugh without even trying?  These attributes are no mistake on God’s part, but uniquely designed in you for a purpose. If you’re not sure what you like, begin to experiment with different activities so that you can begin learning who you are as a person. Furthermore, not only look at the things you do like, but take note of the things you dislike as well. What makes your heart heavy? What do you wish you could change in the world? Really be honest with yourself. Even take a look at what you dream about at night. If it’s a God given dream you’ll know it because it will come from the core of your being. It will latch onto your heart and you won’t be able to get rid of it no matter how hard you try. The Bible says, “Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)  And again, write those things down so that you can go back to them and see how God is working in your life.

Remember That Gifts Are Made To Give Away
Super Man didn’t realize that he had a special gift until he needed to use it to save his earthly father who was pinned beneath a truck. With a mighty hand, he found strength from within to lift the heavy truck to save another.  He had it in him all the time, but it was not discovered until he had to give it away.  At the end of the day, whatever gift God has given you know that it’s not just for you, but it is what God wants to do through you. Our gift is to be given away to others in order to expand His Kingdom. We all have a calling. We’re not here to let life just pass us by. So it’s very important to find out what your gift is, as God has some awesome work for you to do! When you ask God to reveal his purpose don’t leave Him by the wayside, and then get discouraged when you don't hear from Him. Seek Him! Pursue Him until He reveals Himself to you. God is always speaking to us, we just have to make sure that we’re listening.

Written By Nakisha Jackson // Edited By Marilyn Bradford